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Marketing campaign

Writer's picture: Tarek DemashkiTarek Demashki

When you're starting out a new business, it's important to be bold. You need to stand out from the crowd and get your message heard. This can be difficult if you're still figuring out what exactly that message is.

Consider using video marketing as an easy way to generate buzz around your product or service by highlighting its value proposition and giving customers a reason to share it with their friends.

Create the hook.

The hook is what makes people want to watch your video. It’s what makes them share it, buy the product or come back again and again. The hook is what gets them hooked on you!

The very first 30 seconds of a video are crucial for setting up an expectation of what’s to come: “Is this going to be action-packed? Funny? Educational? Entertaining? Inspiring?” You have only these few moments to grab your viewer's attention and get them interested in learning more about you, your business or product; so take advantage of every single one of them!

Identify the precise problem.

  • Identify the precise problem. What are your customers struggling with? What do they want to avoid? What's preventing them from reaching their goals, and how can you help them solve this issue?

  • Use that information to create a hook. Take the problem and turn it into an attention-grabbing headline or tagline for your campaign. An engaging hook will make your audience want to learn more about what you're offering—and hopefully, convert into customers!

  • Create a story based on this hook by identifying your target audience's emotions and needs at various stages of their journey with you (awareness/interest, purchase decision, ongoing support).

  • Use that story as inspiration for creating something visually engaging—an image or video—that will catch people's attention as they scroll through social media feeds or search results pages when looking for solutions to their specific problems (e.g., "How do I...")

Entering a market with a product that no one needs is a disastrous mistake.

There are a few things you can do to help make sure your product is going to be well-received by the market.

First, don't be afraid to ask for feedback from people in your target market. You might have an amazing idea, but if it's not something that people actually need or want, there's no point in moving forward with it. Second, if you're selling an existing product that has already been marketed heavily, it's important that consumers see what makes your version different and better than what they're used to—or why they should even care about switching over at all. Finally, don't be afraid to change anything about your product or marketing campaign based on customer feedback! It may seem like extra work initially (and probably will be), but even small changes can lead directly back into profitability very quickly: if customers feel more satisfied with their purchase experience overall then more will ultimately buy more often which means more profit

Use pain points to hook your audience.

To hook your audience, you must first identify the pain points of your audience. Once you know what they care about, you can use that information to create a video marketing campaign that will resonate with them and bring them back again and again.

This is especially important if it's a product or service that's been around for awhile and has a lot of competition. You have to find new ways to get people excited about what you're offering—and pain points are the perfect place to start.

Your hook might also be simplicity and convenience, like Dollar Shave Club's razors by membership.

Your hook might also be simplicity and convenience, like Dollar Shave Club's razors by membership. The company's marketing campaign does a great job of teaching customers about the benefits of their product. The video is short, simple and easy to understand, which makes it easier for people to remember the brand's message.

Another example of a strong hook is the idea behind Waze's navigation app. When you first start using it, you're presented with a clean interface that looks different from other navigation apps on your phone — but what really makes Waze stand out is its ability to give live traffic updates along with your route information as you drive down the road. This feature keeps drivers informed while they're en route instead of making them wait until they arrive at their destination before finding out if there are any road closures or accidents ahead in time for them to change course if necessary!

Keep it short.

Shorter commercials work best. Keep it short, sweet and to the point.

Keep in mind that shorter commercials are more effective than longer ones. You don't need to spend more than 30 seconds on your commercial if you're selling a product or service that's not time sensitive or isn't life-changing in any way. When it comes to 1 minute commercials, you have a little more freedom to get into the nitty gritty details, but still be concise and make your point quickly so people can remember who you are and what you do when they're scrolling through their list of channels looking for something good on Netflix later that night (or tomorrow morning on their commute into work). If a 2 minute ad works for your business, then by all means go for it! But if those extra two minutes really only give some extra backstory about how awesome the product is without explaining why people should buy from YOU instead of another company offering similar products/services—then maybe cut back on those details and save them for another spot during one of these shows: The Simpsons; South Park; Futurama; Family Guy ~~~

Don't get too attached to your initial ideas.

Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you're new at this or don't know what you're doing, there is nothing wrong with asking for help. In fact, it's expected that as a business owner or marketer you'll have to ask for help from time to time.

If the idea doesn't work out in the end, don't worry about it! We all fail sometimes and if the fail is something that can easily be attributed to inexperience or lack of preparation then it's not really a "fail."

Although your ideas are important and valuable, they are not worth getting attached too much to them because they can change just as quickly as they were created in the first place.

Ask open-ended questions to induce viral sharing.

If you want to get people talking about your brand or product, try asking questions that are easy for people to answer. Make sure they're also easy to share with their friends. A few examples:

  • "How much money do you spend on shampoo every month?"

  • "What's your favorite thing about sleeping in the outdoors?"

  • "Do you like dogs or cats more?"

Play it up on social media.

  • Find the right hashtags. You want to use hashtags that are relevant to your product and the audience you’re targeting. Using the right hashtag can help you reach more people who are already interested in what you have to offer.

  • Post on the right days and times of day. Most social media platforms give users the ability to schedule posts ahead of time, so consider scheduling out future posts at strategic times based on how your target market behaves online (for example, they may be more active during certain hours). You can also analyze when people engage with content from other brands and adjust accordingly; for example, if a competitor has an account that gets a lot of engagement on Monday mornings, consider posting something similar then as well!

  • Keep it professional—and consistent—in tone. People tend not only take notice when someone is trying too hard but also when they aren't sincere enough about their message or product/service offerings either way; so keep things authentic while also being genuine (not fake) about what kind of person or organization makes sense for this particular audience segmentation

Make sure you hook your customer with an effective video marketing campaign.

You've probably heard the term "hook" used to describe the opening of a song or TV show. In marketing terms, however, it means something different: a way to get your audience's attention and make them want to hear more.

A great example comes from a video ad for Dollar Shave Club, where they try to convince men that buying razors isn't just about how much you spend on them—it's also about getting rid of all those old models and replacing them with new ones. The commercial shows how many people are wasting money by buying cheap disposable razors and then throwing them away after only a few uses (even though it should be obvious that these things aren't going anywhere). After this point is made clear, we're shown how Dollar Shave Club helps you avoid those annoyances by sending you high quality blades in convenient packaging each month at an affordable price (you can even customize your order depending on what kinds of razor heads you need).

Video marketing is one of the most effective tools you can use to attract customers and convert them into long-term loyal customers. Simply creating a video is not enough, however. You need to make sure that the video has a strong hook that induces emotion in your viewers so they will share it with their friends and family members on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter.

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